Amma, Sadguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi joins Diya Jalao against Coronavirus

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi and the thousands of residents at the Amritapuri Ashram in Kerala lit lamps in support of the DiyaJalao to mark the country’s fight against Coronavirus as appealed by the Prime Minister. Around 3000 of the ashram residents chanted lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu along with Amma for 9 minutes praying for the world peace and harmony. In a message given specially on this occasion to the Prime Minister’s Office, Amma stated, “During this time, when the entire world is reeling in the darkness of the COVID-19 pandemic, let each of us light the lamp of hope, compassion, and unity together. Today, the coronavirus is filling us internally and externally with the poison of fear and anxiety. To destroy it, we have to ignite our inner flame, our. inner light.

Let us light the lamp of new life, the light of goodness, the light of knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance. Fire is the presiding deity of the spoken word. The quality of fire is heat & light. However, in recent times, we have been giving out only heat and smoke instead of light. This very heat and smoke are suffocating us now. May we all be able to come together as one and light the lamp of knowledge, both internally and externally, removing this heat and smoke. If we all stand together as one and pray, we will be able to attain God’s grace and move forward. Imagine if we break our leg we may have to stay in our room – sometimes for two to six months. We won’t think of this as a burden because we know it is necessary in order for our leg to heal. Similarly, the isolation,

sanitation and extreme caution we have to practice now will help us gain strength to fight the virus. Hence abandon all fear. We have become like vehicles with a complete tank of fuel, but with a drained battery. Such vehicles can never start or move forward. TO start the vehicle, the battery should be charged. This charged battery is self-confidence. Self-confidence is l like a booster rocket. “How will this dense darkness lift if I light this small lamp?” you may wonder. If each person lights a small lamp, then the strength of the light multiplies and everything can be illumined. In the same way, this action should help us illumine the light within each of our hearts, and make us fit to receive God’s grace. All of us carry the light of mutual love and heartfelt prayer within. When our hearts unite in prayer, we will be able to transcend even the greatest darkness. May Divine Grace protect the world.”

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